Non Profit News
Here is our bi-monthly listing of news items that comprise more than one article or topic in Non Profit News-the online magazine about some of the most pressing issues that face us all. The Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations are a sub-category consisting of 17 separate goals.
And here in the United States, we have our own set of pressing problems separate and apart from the global issues we all face as residents of Planet Earth. Here's a list of ten items found in Non Profit News online, to be updated every other month, as we discuss each and ask for feedback and comments to keep the conversation going...! Till next time-NPN
1.How to help inmates heal after the trauma of prison- US & Mass Incarceration- This is one of the most pressing problems we face and one that has not been addressed after receiving so much attention in the last's the type of problem that tells us we need to work to solve problems together, in a bi-partisan way in the U.S.
2.Do our Political Parties only represent Corporations? Ending Dark Money in Politics-this issue also received a lot of attention during the 2016 Presidential election, but seems to go unaddressed as we see so much dark money and influence of lobbyists and big donors influencing political parties.
3.Nuns Denounce abuse by priests- Systemic abuse within big organizations/Catholic Church &
Organized religion - Again, this issue is one that continues to pop up as we see large churches and mainstream religious organizations dealing with rampant abuse and cover-ups within their power structures.
4.GDP grows...but workers wages are stagnant- Income Inequality - This is perhaps the greatest problem we are dealing with globally. It is one that is being addressed, but here in the U.S, we still have more income inequality than less affluent nations as our workers pay more for health care and receive less care.
5.Africa; the Epicenter of Modern Day Slavery- Child Trafficking and modern slave trade-This is a problem that is connected with women's equality and income inequality also. Those of us who live in more affluent nations need to continue to speak out for the people who cannot speak for themselves; children and those who are enslaved in this modern age, not only in Africa, but globally and yes....right here in the United States!
6.Mister Rogers and the Power of Kindness- working to help others and having empathy - This is a problem that we need to combat; the rise of cynicism and disbelief in our institutions, for all the reasons we listed above. But we also need to remember that there are plenty of good people still willing to help others, as evidenced by role models such as Anne Frank and Fred Rogers.
7.SDG: Sustainability Development Goals from UN; the 17 Goals listed include Clean water; Clean air, Education and sustainable farming techniques as well as the empowerment of women...The good news is that we are making progress in eradicating extreme poverty, which is one of the goals listed...but you will see that we have a way to go...and the date is set for 2030 to achieve many of these worthy objectives.
8.Reducing Food Waste and working to help small farmers succeed globally to end hunger...check out the goals to see more about this...
9.Ending Child Marriage
and helping girls to succeed; working to empower
women globally; again, see above link for more on this.
issues/and Poverty/Clean Water and a sustainable environmental policy for
the planet that combats global warming; these are all top issues that are found in Non Profit News magazine and are part of the 17 Sustainable goals for the United Nations global efforts.
Learn more about these issues at Non Profit News magazine, and we will keep posting information on some of the top issues found in Non Profit News each month....Till next time...Stay well and never give up!-ML
Learn more about these issues at Non Profit News magazine, and we will keep posting information on some of the top issues found in Non Profit News each month....Till next time...Stay well and never give up!-ML
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